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What is PHAUNT?

P.H.A.U.N.T is our answer to raising environmental awareness. P.H.A.U.N.T stands for Pressure, Humidity, Air Quality, UV, Noise and Temperature Detection.

How does it work:

P.H.A.U.N.T uses an Arduino Mesh Network, that can be deployed around cities, parks, high traffic areas and anywhere you can think of. P.H.A.U.N.T uses LoRaWAN.

LoRaWAN’s technology allows to have

  • Long range transmission of data (up to 10 km), the Spread Module Technique uses P.H.A.U.N.Ts entire allocated bandwidth to broadcast a signal, making the network robust to allow for channel noise.
  • Low Power consumption, P.H.A.U.N.T will be optimised to use low power, meaning P.H.A.U.N.T can have up to 10 year lifetime. Which is 10x more battery life then cellular.
  • High Capacity memory allows for millions of messages per base station which ensures that our system can be easily deployed on either public or private network.
  • Lost Cost, P.H.A.U.N.Ts minimal infrastructure, open source software and low costing end nodes means that the manufacturing of P.H.A.U.N.T is low cost.
  • Accurate Geolocation means that P.H.A.U.N.T can be used both indoors and outdoors, the Geolocation means that P.H.A.U.N.T is as accurate as GPS but does not use as much power as GPS
  • FUOTA, Firmware update over the air, means that firmware can be updated wirelessly reducing the maintenance.
  • Security, P.H.A.U.N.Ts use of embedded end to end and AES 128 encryption, means that P.H.A.U.N.T networks are secure.